Writing Prompt for week 1


Think about N’gugi Wa Thiong’o’s assertion that the invisible is often made visible through performance.  Using specific examples from the film Couple In A Cage, reflect upon one or two theatrical elements that Guillermo Gomez-Pena and Coco Fusco employ to show how colonialism, as a system of domination, depends on performance to sustain it.


NOTE – Opinion is not what I am looking for here.  I’m looking to see what you observed in the filmed performance and how well you can use some of the readings to obtain the critical skills to answer this question.


INSTRUCTIONS:  This should not be more than three paragraphs.  So if you try and construct an elaborate or complicated argument, you won’t be able to fulfil the assignment properly.  Stay with the question and also try and offer a good description of the elements under consideration.