February 12th/Week 3.

Read:  Geertz, Clifford.  “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.”


Read:   “Time Out of Memory: The Total Drama;”  “The Ta’ziyeh of the Martyrdom of Hussein;” “The Origins of the Sunnite-Shiite Divide and the Emergence of the Ta’ziyeh Tradition;” In Chelkowski, Peter J. (ed.). Eternal Performance: Taziyeh and Other Shiite Rituals. pp 1-53.  (see link below)

Read:   “Acting Styles and Actor Training in Ta’ziyeh.”  In Chelkowski, Peter J. (ed.). Eternal Performance: Taziyeh and Other Shiite Rituals. pp 74-94 (see link below)

Read: “Theater of Protest ” 178 – 192  in in Chelkowski, Peter J. (ed.). Eternal Performance: Taziyeh and Other Shiite Rituals. (see link below)

Chelkowski-1 – Eternal Performance p1-53 p74-94 p178-191

Read: Taziyeh in Motion: The Traveling Culture of Iranian Muharram Theater. https://ajammc.com/2014/11/11/taziyeh-in-motion

Read: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2003/jul/14/theatre.artsfeatures

Watch (in class)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaL4WzaQ5Ok

Watch (in class) https://vimeo.com/33520093

Watch:  Baronnet, J. (1970). Le lion de dieu. S.l.: S.n.] ;. (Professional actors from Tehran, staging a performance of ta’ziyeh plays in the village of Natanz, Iran. The ta’ziyeh plays narrate and relive the martyrdom in 680 of Husayn, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad; they are enacted in Shiʻite communities during the first 10 days of the month of Muharram. Includes interviews with the actors.)  https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/mFia4knSjO

February 19th/Week 4.

Read:  Sarah Ruhl.  Passion Play.  

Ruhl – Passion Play (1)

Watch (before class): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-HshIO6nxg

Browse (before class): https://www.passionsspiele-oberammergau.de/en/home

Read: Pellegrini, Ann.  “Signaling Through the Flames:  Hell House Performances and Structures of Religious Feeling.”


Read: Harding, Susan Friend.  “Speaking is Believing” in  The Book of Jerry Falwell:  Fundamentalist Language and Politics.  33-60.


In Class:

Watch (in class):  Hell House  George Ratliff, 2002.

Watch (in class): The Oberammergau Passion Play


Reference:  “Devil on My Shoulder,”  This American Life, May 24, 2002. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/213/devil-on-my-shoulder